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THE ORIGINAL STEMLESS WINE TUMBLER - O is the ideal glass for everyday use, for any drink and for every occasion. It is fun, feels good, looks trendy and works! The bowl shapes are identical to those of the tried and tested Vinum series. In designing the "O" series Maximilian Riedel has created something completely new, without losing sight of his roots in the process: "Although the enjoyment of wine is of course at the forefront when making a Riedel glass, the special thing about this series is that the glasses are also perfectly suited to all other drinks." A glass that is easy to use; it will fit in any dishwasher, minibar or kitchenette, and even in a picnic basket. Broken stems are no longer an issue. In 2006 Riedel introduced a casual way to enjoy Champagne and Sparkling Wine with the arrival of more the “O” Champagne Glass, which has now been revised in a more elegant but still casual appearance. After all, there is something worth celebrating every day. As with all wine glasses, Riedel recommends filling it only a third full, so that the Champagne/Sparkling Wine aromas are evident. So pick up a Prosecco, serve a California sparkler, pop open a bottle of Champagne or pour a Spanish Cava into the new Riedel Champagne & Sparkling Wine Glass.
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